Make an Appointment: 904-703-8367 | [email protected]

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    Our Services

    What would your life look like 3 months from now, 6 months from now, 1 year from now if you start today?

    Counseling is an opportunity for personal growth in multiple areas. With information and support, life goals can be developed and achieved; anxiety, depression and poor coping skills such as substance abuse can be replaced with an ability to balance life challenges; live a life on life’s terms. We focus on moving forward and developing a new lifestyle.

    Mental Health Counseling and Support

    Life can be messy. We find ourselves filled with fear, worrying about everything. We lose track of time, putting our dreams of a better life on hold. Stress and frustration lead to anger and depression. Sometimes our choices lead to unhealthy lifestyles. Our relationships are not fulfilling. We feel stuck.

    Individual counseling sessions are tailored to develop your vision of success. In solution brief focused therapy, you are the expert. Sessions are focused on moving forward, goal achievement within a time frame of your choosing. From plan development, implementation and practice, revision when needed, to follow through, counselors assist with accountability and encouragement.

    Substance Use and Abuse

    Society is quick to encourage us to drink and drug in order to have fun. Movies, commercials, magazines, and our heroes in music, film and sports support this fantasy. We follow the herd and it becomes a way of life difficult to change. For many wanting to give it up is not as simple as merely stopping. We may fail time and time again. We have hurt our loved ones and ourselves; became personally familiar with the legal system; are now underemployed or unemployable; and now believe we can never dig ourselves out from under the wreckage.

    Discontinuing Problem Substance Use Supportive Counseling

    Life can be messy. We find ourselves filled with fear, worrying about everything. We lose track of time, putting our dreams of a better life on hold. Stress and frustration lead to anger and depression. Sometimes our choices lead to unhealthy lifestyles. Our relationships are not fulfilling. We feel stuck.

    Individual counseling sessions are tailored to develop your vision of success. In solution brief focused therapy, you are the expert. Sessions are focused on moving forward, goal achievement within a time frame of your choosing. From plan development, implementation and practice, revision when needed, to follow through, counselors assist with accountability and encouragement.

    DUI/DWI Safety Council treatment provider

    It’s about being safe. Our mothers, fathers, siblings and children ride on these roadways too. Being respectful of our community members and taking responsibility for failed judgment has opened the door to an opportunity for personal growth.

    Intervention services educate on disease of addiction, learning to problem solve without substances, developing coping skills, introduction to support groups, and the benefits of both abstinence and reduced harm moderation.

    Personal growth and success are achievable with support. Intervention sessions are individualized anywhere from 5 to 21 one-hour sessions depending on BAL. (for DWI/DUI) and individual preference.

    Reach out to us today!

    Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
    We will try our best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

    By submitting this form via this web portal, you acknowledge and accept the risks of communicating your health information via this unencrypted email and electronic messaging and wish to continue despite those risks. By clicking "Yes, I want to submit this form" you agree to hold Brighter Vision harmless for unauthorized use, disclosure, or access of your protected health information sent via this electronic means.